Ministry of the Economy and Planning

Details about the job offer


N ° of the post


Domain Health
Recruitment sector Private
Diploma Diploma of Specialist Doctor
Country of assignment France
Civil status Single, Married
Specialties Ophthalmology
Languages French
Age limit 60
Expected date of recruitment -
Deadline for submission of application 19.11.2020
Number of years of experience 1
Kind Homme, Femme
Job Description ACTIVITY: Intervention on the lens with or without vitrectomy - Other extra ocular interventions - Eye disorders of neurological origin - Interventions on the oculomotor muscles.

ORGANIZATION: 1 ophthalmology on-call shared between the hospital and private practitioners.

REMUNERATION: Depending on the candidate's profile - all statuses can be studied including a self-employed establishment.

* Integration desired as soon as possible to strengthen the attractiveness of the healthcare area.
* Full time is desired.
* Possibility of temporary accommodation when taking up the post.